Residential Forum 2024: A better planning for a harmonious living environment
Nevena Stoyanova, Managing Director of BARNES Bulgaria, took part in the Rеѕіdеntіаl Fоrum 2024 - the leading specialized forum with a focus on the residential construction industry, which took place on 28 March at Sofіа Еvent Centеr in two halls with professional discussions and presentations by 60 prominent professionals and the participation of more than 500 representatives of the construction and investment industry.
What is created by the construction industry remains for the future, which is why we must unite our efforts for a better urban environment, addressed the participants the Mayor of the capital Vasil Terziev. The Business Forum once again brought together the most active professionals in the design and implementation of large-scale and innovative projects, engaged in key market projects. Current market trends and best practices in the construction of modern residential buildings were presented, with a focus on green transformations and models for creating a more sustainable and ĸuestful environment.